Dinner Survey Analysis

 Dinner survey

Research topic : Dinner
Target : Japanese University students
Number of respondents : (11)

(Summary) Students answered 9 questions about dinner.


Graph#1 shows that most respondents like dinner. In fact, 90.9% responded "Yes", 9.1% responded "So-so", and there were "No" responses. These result are not surprising because humans need to eat to live.


Graph #2 shows that Japanese food is the most popular kind of dinner. Perhaps the high result for Japanese food is due to the fact that all the respondents were from Japan. Italian is the next most popular, probably because Japanese people like wheat dishes such as pasta and pizza.


Graph#3 shows mothers most often cook dinner in Japan. This is not surprising, because in Japan there has always been a tendency for mothers to cook meals. This trend is not gender equal. The second most common response, "yourself," means that many students live alone.


Graph #4 shows that most participants eat dinner out once a week. It is not surprising that no one eats out for dinner more than four times a week. The reason is that eating out costs a lot of money.


Graph #5 shows that most respondents enojoy eating dinner with their friends. It is not surprising that many respondents eat ramen with friends.


Graph #6 shows when the respondents last ate dinner. All respondents in this survey answered the day before, so it can be expected that everyone eats dinner every day.


Graph #7 shows that the best time to eat dinner is 19:00. This is considered an appropriate time because people should finish eating at least three hours before bedtime for their health.


List #8 shows what you would like to eat on the last day of the world. Sushi and ramen, popular among the Japanese, were the most frequent responses. It is also expected that everyone likes to eat out, because many of the dishes are usually eaten at restaurants.


List #9 shows whether you should eat a healthy diet or your favorite foods. Many respondents believed that people should eat a healthy diet. However, some said that people should eat what they like because that is not enjoyable.



This survey has many interesting results. The results of this survey will be useful if people decide to run their own restaurants in the future.


  1. I was surprised that about one third respondents cook by themselves.

