I really want to visit Australia!

Links for Australia :

Australia wikipedia ( Australia has a population of 25 million )

Here is a nice YouTube video (with many ideas) : 

There are many things I want to do! Here are my top 5 : 

1- I want to meet the animals at Perth Zoo.
2- I want to swim in the Great Barrief Reef.
3- I want to see Uluru(Ayers Rock).
4- I want to go the Sydney Opera House.
5- I want to see the Harbor Bridge.

Here's a google map of Australia : 

Thank you for reading my blog!!!

If you have more ideas about Australia!!! Please write them to me!!!


  1. I have been to Perth in Australia. It was very enjoyable.

  2. What is the Sydney Opera House? Is it a church?

  3. I love animals so do you know what kind of animals I can meet at the Perth Zoo?

  4. I want to visit Australia, too!
    Opera House is very beautiful and culturally valuable!!

  5. My friend went to Uluru, and it was great!
    I want to go there too!

  6. I love Australia! I want to meet many animals.

  7. I'm interested in structure of Opera house!

